
Conference/Mailing Committee Members

Chair: Ginny Majewski

This committee has as its functions the following

1. Review and make recommendations to the Caucus concerning approval of request to host the annual institute

2. To seek out potential host for the annual institute.

3. To work in a helpful liaison role between the Caucus and the host of the forth coming annual institute.

4. To maintain the mailing list of membership to the Caucus and those who have attended the annual institutes.

Publications Committee Members

Chair:Mike Daley

This committee has as it functions the following

1. The publishing of the electronic journal : Contemporary Rural Social Work.

2. To work with host of the annual institute in the development of a proceedings publication

3. To develop other forms of publications sought by the Caucus.

4. To maintain the News section of the Website

Policy Committee 

Chair: Richard Osburn

This committee carries the challenge of up dating the Rural Social Work Policy that is part of NASW Speaks which contains all of the policy statement for the profession of social work. Two Delegate Assemblies ago, the Rural Social Work Caucus wrote a rural social work policy after it was dropped by NASW at a prior Assembly. It was a truly team effort from the team of eleven folks over seven states that research and wrote the policy, to the floor group lead by Mike Daley at the Assembly to Sam Hickman as our “Shepard”. Delegate Assembly voted accept the proposed Rural Social Work Policy as developed by the RSWC.

The policy will be up for review in the 2011 Delegate Assembly, but given time lines we need to be ready to roll with changes in place by 2009 at the latest. There is much work to be done to reflect the changing challenges of rural social work. Two areas that will need to be added are rural veterans and rural homeless as well as updating the social research section.

Lastly, it is important that Rural Social Work Caucus members who are also members of NASW run for delegate Assembly after the 2008 Assembly. It made a difference having folks on the floor and in the committee getting the policy through the system.

There current committee of folks who have volunteered to be researchers, writers, and reviewers which is chaired by Richard Osburn aka Oz This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We are always looking for more help in getting this critical task done.

The Rural Social Work Policy committee does it work in memory of our “Guardian Angel” who worked behind the scene helping us – Eural Davis.

Social Research and Policy Committee

Chair: Elena Delavega, University of Memphis


Crystal Aschenbrener, University of Wisconsin-Stout

Peter A. Kindle, University of South Dakota

The Social Research and Policy Committee is charged to:

- Create and maintain a comprehensive resource directory on the National Rural Social Work Caucus website that includes journals devoted to research in rural areas, think tanks with a topical focus on research in rural areas, and state, federal, and international agencies that include focus on research in rural areas.

- Insure that all links to online resources identified above are confirmed at least annually.

- Search for new resources to add to the directory annually.

- Conduct research as requested as the resource and development arm of the National Rural Social Work Caucus.

- Monitor trends in national policies that would impact upon rural communities and rural services.